Brown Recluse Spider

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Brown Recluse Spider: A Hidden Danger in Your Home

Spiders, specifically the brown recluse spider, which is the most common variety of spiders in houses everywhere, are usually hidden during the day in furniture, word framing, boxes, basements and attics.  They usually roam around at night and it is quite difficult to catch them since they run fast.


A bite from a brown recluse spider can go unnoticed at first; the bite itself only feels like a bee sting. But the venom in a brown recluse spider’s bite is very potent and potentially deadly. It’s hemotoxic – it destroys red blood cells. Common symptoms of a brown recluse spider bite include reddened skin at the bite site (blisters also occur sometimes), pain and itching a few hours after the bite, and sores and/or tissue death (necrosis) around the bite site. Some people also have systemic reactions like fever, nausea, vomiting, and rashes across the body. If you think you are bitten by a brown recluse spider, seek medical attention right away.

Chilton’s Environmental is equipped with the expertise and plans on controlling these types of pests.  You need to employ several means to successfully eradicate them from your home, merely spraying them with insecticides would not suffice.  We have proven time and again that our methods work.  It takes skill and knowledge to be successful in controlling the brown recluse spiders. Call us now for a quote.

Frequently Asked Questions

Chilton’s Environmental Termite & Pest Control provides comprehensive pest control services to address a variety of issues including termites, rodents, and other common pests. We also offer Peace of Mind Inspections at no charge to ensure your home is free from pest problems.

Chilton’s Environmental stands out due to our commitment to safety and customer service. We use only the safest, environmentally friendly pesticides and were recently nominated as a finalist for the Better Business Bureau Torch Award in Market Place Ethics. Additionally, our team consists of certified technicians with an average of 15 years of experience.


Chilton’s Environmental Termite & Pest Control has been serving Southern Missouri since 1994. As a family-owned and operated business, we take pride in providing reliable pest control services to our community.

Yes, our technicians are certified by the State of Missouri and have an average of 15 years of experience in the pest control industry. Their expertise ensures that you receive top-notch service and effective solutions for your pest problems.


Peace of Mind Inspections are thorough evaluations of your home to check for pest issues. We offer these inspections for free to give you confidence in the safety and condition of your home.

Yes, Chilton’s Environmental is an active member of several local and professional organizations, including the Nixa Chamber of Commerce, Networking Navy, Preferred Business Associates, Developing Christian County Professionals, Sertoma.

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